The past week has brought a few exciting things, and some sad things as well. First, the good stuff (so I can build your confidence and fill you with joy and then chop you from your body with the bad news later). Our 10 man team finally got the Firefighter achievement, meaning that I am one step closer to obtaining the 10 man Ulduar drake. The fight was quite complicated, and after going through it I have a new respect for guilds that have done this hard mode on 25 man.
Unfortunately, thats all the good news I have really. The other day I happened to log in to notice that I was unguilded: Our guild master had a furious breakdown and disbanded the guild, due to our poor attendance and lack of enthusiasm for our 25 man raid progression. While it is unforunate that the guild was destroyed (literally, the guild tabs and everything are gone), I will still keep in touch with my guild mates, just like I have with those with the ex-Shadow Wolves and the ex-Azure Knights members.
I have since been looking for a new guild: Hopefully, the search will end successfully and I will have a new home, to have fun and make new friends.
Why do I keep falling in Tower of Hell?
1 day ago