Went in for the new bosses of ICC on 10 man, and I have to say, both fights were pretty fun. Although both were annoying due to the ramp-up issues with Ret, I really enjoyed the chaotic-ness of the Prince fight. Its cool to go and kill people we have already killed before, although the Kael'thas reference is older and more annoying than the Dramatic Squirrel from Youtube.
The Blood Queen fight was also entertaining, although (again due to ramp up time issues) my DPS was low. I can't wait to get to do this fight in 25 man for when I have to be hit by Blood Mirror for the Shadowmourne quest: I think the strat will be the same as the others, and to use Divine Shield to take 50% less damage, as well as maybe do it while being a Vampire for the extra self-healing.
And just to brag, we found out later that night that we were the 3rd 10 man group on our server to conquer the Crimson Halls, behind Singularity and Drow (both top-end Alliance guilds).
Can't wait for our 25 man team to catch up progression-wise to our 10 man team. Once we move some people around, hopefully we'll be in a good spot.
Why do I keep falling in Tower of Hell?
1 day ago
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