Its been a while since my last post again, but things are starting to look really good. I've been busy with a lot of personal stuff at the beginning of February, but no one cares about any of that stuff.
After the dismissal of my old guild, I had to fill out many guild apps to find a new raiding guild- After checking all of the high-end Alliance guilds, I made a desperate move and changed over to the Horde side (on the same server!) and joined Squirrel Legion- outside of seeing them in Dalaran or around Azeroth and Outland back in TBC, I didnt know much about them or about any of the guild members. I do feel like I fit into the guild, as a lot of their personalities do match my own- They're fun to joke around with, yet serious when it comes to raid progression- Something my old guild lacked a lot of.
The good news is that my "Trial period" was finished last Thursday, but since we lacked the numbers to raid that night I'll hopefully be promoted to a full member later tonight. However, we are in the slump that my old guild suffered from- Lack of signups. However, there is promise as whispers of merging with another guild are very possible.
On a positive note, I am half-way on collecting my 1,000 souls and as it turns out, Im probably am going to be second in line for the Infusion quests and, ultimately, collecting Shards for the Legendary- I can't wait!
Why do I keep falling in Tower of Hell?
2 days ago
Good to hear about the souls Ronark, I'm Anardil from Live to Tell (Terenas EU, top guild). Our Main fury warrior (Shaqq) is about to finish his Shadowmourne quests and will have the 50 shards by wednesday - and as it stands I'm next in line to collect my shards.
Trust me when I say that I know *exactly* how you feel when you get to hear that you might get Shadowmourne *rubs hands and grins*
I have many times looked over your Paladin 4.0 proposal on MMO-champ and looked over the talenttree many times - quite frankly it looks very good - and it looks like changes blizzard *might* make to the paladin as a class.
However I feel/fear that as far as Retribution goes - they'll give us one more spammable button (Holy strike from Beta, and re-introduce the WoW Beta's Crusader strike perhaps?) and not do squat to give us some interactivity between abilities.
Either way, happy easter :)
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