So, as everyone knows, I am an Achievement Point whore- I have the most in my guild currently, at almost 7k. After waiting for a raid to start the other day, I started to add up all the gold items linked to achievements (mounts, etc) and came to a grand total of: 43,000 gold or so, plus or minus a few hundred.
I find the best way to make money (outside of the 200 or so from IC dailies and the Tourny dailies) is playing the Auction House like its my hoe- Most of the time, it is just earning honor and buying/cutting epic gems and posting them. But most of the time, I am able to craft gold- As in, I buy the materials to craft a Nightmare Tear for 115 gold, and then sell the Nightmare Tear for 170. My goal is to make 100k gold by the beginning of Cata- Ideally, 50k gold going into the expansion, and 50k for my mounts/pets/etc.
Also on a side note, I entered Island of Conquest the other day for the first time, and I have to say, it is pretty amusing. So far I have 6 of the 14 possible achievements, and I hope to have that tabard for my Arena set.
P.S. Going into 10 man TotC and maybe 10 man TotGC tonight, lets hope for phat loots!
Why do I keep falling in Tower of Hell?
2 days ago
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