Since this blog's original creation I have been slacking a bit.
A tiny bit.
only a little.
(as in forgetting about it completely)
The truth is, I have been rather busy with my real life that I forgot about the blog (having it bookmark would have helped, too). Since the original creation, a lot has happened:
-Attended Blizzcon via the Internet.
-Updated the FAQ on MMO-Champions a number of times.
-Added a new War-tools tree for 4.0 (Pre-Cataclysm release patch)
-I'm duel spec'd for Prot PvP- While I am still gathering gear, I'm not sure if I will stay as Ret for PvP or use this new Prot setup.
-Race Chance to a Draenei from a Dwarf(Yay!)
I'll plan to make at least 1 post a week- Since I now have permission to gather data for our guild through World of Logs, and since that data will be posted here, it should help me to remember to stop here more often.
Why do I keep falling in Tower of Hell?
2 days ago
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