So my group just finished up the daily-duo for Heroic Cull of Strath, and we decided not to go with a healer- Well, at least not a mainstream healer, but rather myself as Ret spec. Surprisingly it went fine, most of the healing was passive through Judgement of Light and some well timed Sacred Shield + AoW procs. There was one or two pulls where the shit did hit the fan, but there were no wipes, and nothing that Hand of Sacrifice couldn't fix.
It just made me think of GC when he stated that we were too "tanky" and too "heal-y". Personally, just because everyone out gears the instance in T9 gear and clears the whole place with 7 minutes left on the extra boss timer doesn't mean that we are unbalanced.
Although it was fun to clear it that quickly :)
Why do I keep falling in Tower of Hell?
2 days ago
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